Dublin City University DCU

Name Dublin City University
Abbreviation DCU
Organization Type School
Website http://www.dcu.ie/prospective/deginfo.php?classname=GTS
Contact Name Eithne O'Connell
Contact Phone +353 (0)1 700 5156
Contact Fax +353 (0)1 836 0830
Address Dublin City University,
City Dublin 9
Country Ireland
Description Postgraduate diploma / MA Translation studies

1 yr. full time

Postgraduate diploma / MA Translation studies (outline)

The Programme aims to provide advanced linguistic and technical training, leading to a postgraduate qualification in Translation Studies. The specific objectives of the programme are as follows: 1) to develop a range of professional and linguistic skills appropriate to the translation profession 2) to provide practical training in the translation of a range of specialised texts 3) to equip students with the technological tools and skills required in the profession 4) to introduce students to contemporary theoretical issues in Translation Studies.

The Graduate Diploma consists of a thirty-week (24 weeks taught) programme. Suitably qualified students may proceed to register for the Master's qualification, which requires the submission of a dissertation. Students may take one or two of the following languages: French, Spanish, German, Irish, Japanese. With the exception of the Irish option, most translation will be into English. Following the successful completion of the Graduate Diploma, suitably-qualified candidates may proceed to register for the M.A. in Translation Studies. They will be required to submit a dissertation of approx. 12,000 words.

DCU main URL

Admission Criteria Has admission criteria.

Training Offers training.

Credential Offers credential(s).

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