U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. By Keith R. Long. In the course of CIMRI's work, we have found a need for a compilation of Spanish geological and mining terminology that goes beyond the few Spanish-English geological dictionaries available. Even geologists who are fluent in Spanish often encounter local terminology or jerga that is unfamiliar. These terms, which have grown out of five centuries of mining tradition in Latin America, and frequently draw on native languages, usually cannot be found in standard dictionaries. There are, of course, many geological terms which can be recognized even by geologists who speak little or no Spanish. These cognates have largely been excluded from this glossary. An exception is made for cognates that are pronounced similarly in English and Spanish, but whose spelling may render them unfamiliar to persons not familiar with the rules of Spanish pronunciation. The glossary is alphabetized in the traditional Spanish pattern, thus ch, ll, and ñ are treated as separate letters. A list of abbreviations, a section on weights and measures, and a list of sources consulted are given in the prefatory material. This glossary must be considered preliminary. A complete compilation satisfying the requirements of modern lexicography would require more time than the author can commit.

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