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Italia menyang Inggris Tourism & Travel Translation Glossary

Italia term Inggris translation
approccio di bottega "bird-in-the-hand" mindset/approach
apripista forerunner - pioneer - trailblazer
aprono with its nine gates (not doors)
arabeggiante Moorish
archimandria abbey
ardita scalinata breathtaking or awe-inspiring
area accrediti registration area
Entered by: Raffaella Panigada
area attrezzata motorhome aire/motorhome stopover
area politiche di promozione promotion policies sector/department
Entered by: Ulla Lundquist
area stampa Media
aree meno inflazionate areas where tourism is not so overdeveloped
Entered by: Tom in London
arenile sandy beach, stretch of sand, sandy shore
armoniosamente inseriti harmoniously set
armonizzato is well harmonised with its surroundings
Entered by: Tom in London
arrettratezza culturale e civile a backward culture, a backward society
Entered by: EirTranslations
arrivi e presenze arrivals and overnight stays
arte castellare a prime example of inspired castle design
artisti in cartellone featured artists
asciutta bellezza stark beauty
aspettative pur riposte our expectations
assoluta delicatezza the extremely tricky situation created by
atlante georeferenziato delle risorse turistiche georeferenced atlas of tourist resources
Attestato IATA/BSP tariffe e biglietteria aerea IATA/BSP fares and ticketing certificate
attrezzature commerciali shops/shopping facilities etc.
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
attualità di coltura under cultivation
avamposto di stazionamento trading post
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
aviosuperficie airfield
Avon tour "in piazza per la vita" Avon "On the Road for Life" Tour
avventurieri speculators/developers
Entered by: Janice Giffin
avviamento e svolgimento del business start-up and the development of the business
avviare un percorso open a path (thorough Italian photography)
Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo Local Tourist Office/Board
azienda faunistico venatoria wildlife hunting reserve
aziende agrituristiche agritourism businesses
aziende locali local producers (when referring to those who make local foods or crafts, in a touristic context)
è molto caratteristico charming/full of local character
Entered by: EirTranslations
è stato letteralmente ricambiato our traditional practice (of putting the guest first) was literally reciprocated.
È lacustre la prima anima The true \"spirit\"/\"energy\" of Gargano \"comes\"/\"flows\" from its lakes
È una sorta di gioco ad incastri: The result is an interlocking effect
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