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Italia menyang Inggris Psychology Translation Glossary

Italia term Inggris translation
costrutti chiave key constructs
costrutto ombrello umbrella construct
counselling relazionale relationship counselling
DECLAMATORIO declamatory. bombastic
declinazioni del sociale social contexts
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
delirio di nocumento (delusion of persecution with) ideas of being...
dieta mediale media diet
dimenticare un'afflizione in un lavoro lieto Forget a sorrow by absorbing ourselves in a cheerful work
direzione didattica Local Education Authority (GB)
disidentificazione disidentification
elaborazione processing
Entered by: Daniel Frisano
elemento di originalità novel feature
esperire in prima persona experience it first hand
esperita produced, experienced, manifested
essere ammalato the social aspects of illness
essere con \"being with\"
essere e nulla being and nothingness
estroiettando extrojecting
evaporazione del padre evaporation of the father
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
faccina face, face outline, little face
Fenomenologico-Dinamica Psychodynamic and Phenomenological Psychotherapy
Entered by: Lara Barnett
flusso ideico stream of thought
fuga dissociativa dissociative fugue
identità dispiegata. diffusa diffuse identity
Il pensiero è concreto Thinking is concrete
immagine del sé corporeo self body image
in dissociato splitting
in pratica (in this context) really/actually
in vista in the public eye/in the limelight/in the spotlight/prominent
indifferenziazione non-discrimination, indifference
l'ascolto listening
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
La cultura dell'incontro The culture of coming together
La durezza della botta the speed and depth, the rhythm, the weight of the thrust
le convinzioni del subconscio subconscious convictions
l\'altro da sé the other
L\'unico dove che ci riguarda The only place/whereabouts that is relevant to us
mal di vita general malaise for life
mettere a dura prova to place considerable strain on
mobili sliding (in NLP context)
Mobilitazione mobilisation
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