The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italia menyang Inggris Psychology Translation Glossary

Italia term Inggris translation
mettere tutto nel calderone mix the good with the bad
"conferiscono ordine al disordine" bring order to disorder
"valutazioni" che non colgono il valore "evaluations" that fail to pick up on the value
Entered by: Tom in London maniera tale da non... such a way as not to.../ a way that does not...
accogliere l\'Altro welcome the Other
ad Alto Funzionamento high-functioning autism
agganciare terapeuticamente engage therapeutically
aggancio visivo (lack of) eye contact
aggressione del cibo oral/dental/eating aggression
agito (psicoterapia) acting out / acting in
agito di rabbia anger behaviour
alleanza di lavoro A working alliance
ambito psico-giuridico clinico clinical and forensic psychology setting
anaffettivo non affective
animazione terapeutica per bambini therapeutic play activities for children
appartenenza social circles/circle of acquaintances
appoggio anaclitico verso altri significativi anaclitic attachment to significant others
aspetti prattognostici purposeful movement and cognition
asse curvilineo curvilinear axis
attacare briga to quarrel; to pick a fight
attivazione del contesto di supporto support services/support network
atto motorio motor act
attutite dal racconto toned down/cushioned by the narrative
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
auto-referenzialita self-referenciality
bagaglio cognitivo cognitive baggage/encyclopedic knowledge
buona novella good news
capace di confronto con gli altri able to relate to others
chiarudienza clairaudience/astral hearing
chiusura relazionale relational closure
cittadinanza organizzativa Organizational citizenship
cognitivista cognitivist- cognitive
colloquio di restituzione final review meeting
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
compito procreativo has not has any children (yet)
complementare vs sovrapponibile complementary to each other but do not overlap
con maggiore organizzazione egoica with more structured ego
conseguente a dissintonie interpersonali precoci the consequence of/due to early deficiencies in interpersonal relationship
contenuti dell'inconscio non rimosso contents of the unremoved unconscious
contestualizzare set in context
controtrasferale counter - transferential
così come si presenta as it comes/as it is
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