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Italia menyang Inggris Human Resources Translation Glossary

Italia term Inggris translation
cronogramma chronogram
Entered by: Madalena Ribeiro
cultura aziendale del non presidio remote working/telecommuting/telework (corporate) culture
Entered by: Raffaella Panigada
cuoricini scaccia pensieri heart-shaped mementos/souvenirs/keepsakes
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
dalla S.V. medesima see my translation of the whole sentence.
data certa certified date
data termination date
dégagé post-active
declaratoria del CCNL national labour contract declaration
Entered by: EirTranslations
declinazione a change at the European level ...
dedotta R.A. after deducting the advance withholding tax
della durata di tre anni rinnovabili, previo accordo tra le parti lasting three years, renewable upon agreement of the parties
denunce per malattie professionali claims (or compensation) for work-related illnesses
destinatario party responsible for
dichiarazione ai fini della non imponibilita dei contributi non-taxable contributions statement
Dichiarazione sostitutiva della dichiarazione UNICA DSU (Single Self-Declaration / Single Substitute Declaration )
dimissionario resignation handed in/notice given
dimissioni volontarie per maternità voluntary resignation after childbirth
dipendente/assimilato employee or similar
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
dipendenti in distacco on secondment
dipendenza da causa di servizio e di equo indennizzo request for recognition of a diseased state due to (civil etc) service and for appropriate indemnity
Dipendenze gerarchiche Reporting
direttore divisione territoriale Regional Manager
direttore operazioni FM comments below
diritto di cognizione d'ufficio e limitazione the official right of notification and limitation (of access)
discipline d’indirizzo vedi risposta
discoidista tablet press/pill machine operator
discontinuità aziendale Corporate discontinuity
dispersione scolastica e formativa early withdrawal from school and education
distaccatarie Reassignment companies
E’ compito del personale d’inquadramento di garantire la formazione The management staff is responsible for providing/ ensuring training
energia realizzativa drive to achieve
enti datoriali employers' organizations
epoca aleatoria the time of payment
esecutivo executive
esonero dall\'assunzione di disabili exemption from the obligation to employ disabled persons
Estratto Prestazioni per il prestatore record of services for provider
eta evolutiva infancy and adolescence or developmental age (while growing physically and mentally)
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
eventi alla Macro macro-events
Entered by: Michael Meskers
eventi tutelati covered events
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
evincere to infer
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