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Italia menyang Inggris Human Resources Translation Glossary

Italia term Inggris translation
Ufficio del Vice Capo di Gabinetto del Sindaco del Comune di Roma The Office of the Vice President of Cabinet to the Mayor of Rome
Entered by: Ivana UK
VII dal 2003 Seventh Level since 2003
% chiamate perse su occupato e su libero (urgent) % of lost calls (unanswered or engaged)
Entered by: Ivana UK
(attivare il confronto con) la linea (to consult/exchange views with the) line management/line managers
Entered by: Sarah Weston
(de)limitatori di area Zone delimters/area delimiters
..non piu' di primo impianto... no longer original equipment
..rimanere Remain \"on paper\"
a diretta partecipazione di a training company owned directly by XXx
a riporto diretto who report directly to
AC e AP CA and PA (corrective actions and preventive actions)
accompagnamento al lavoro Job assistance
accompagnamento legale accompanying measures
Accordo istitutivo/accordi istitutivi founding agreement
ad int (ad interim)
addetti commercio Business Training Centre
aderenti ai fondi previdenza to the pension funds subscribers
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
affiancamenti sul Field shadowing/shadow training
Entered by: wordgirl
affiancamento coaching
agenti di vendita e/o venditori sales agent and/or salesmen
Agenzia in economia internal agency
agevolazioni contributive social security (compulsory insurance) contribution concessions
ai ratei di 13° e 14° mensilità accrued 13th and 14th monthly pay
ai sensi degli art. x si approva la clausula di cui pursuant to an per the effects of articles 1341 and 1342, clause e) venue/forum with jurisdiction i
Al momento dell\'assunzione when the employee is recruited
alle dipendenze reporting to
allontanamento suspension, dismissal
ambiente formativo scolastico school educational environment
Entered by: Ivana UK
Amm. Pers. E/C Economia e Commercio
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
Andava tenuta occhio (urgent!) Needed to be monitored
antinfortunistica Work Injuries Prevention
appaltabile outsourceable
Apprendista come impiegato in un'agenzia di viaggi (worked) as intern in a travel agency/internship in a travel agency
approccio al problema dell’accesso e della permanenza nel mercato del lavoro how to gain access and tenure in the job market
approvazione cronogrammi di processo/rispetto budget stabiliti approving process schedules
arbitrario irritale informal arbitration
Entered by: Jean Martin
archivio cartaceo computerized and paper file
aree pulizie della strada cleaning areas/sections of the road
armamento libero independent shipping
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
aspetti archivi e flussi data storage and stream
assegno ad personam ad personam/personal allowance
Entered by: Caroline Durant
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