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Jerman menyang Inggris Religion Translation Glossary

Jerman term Inggris translation
losgelöst unconstrained
Mariä Geburt Feast of the Birth of the Virgin Mary
mediativ mediatorily
Mensalgut mensal property / mensal lands
Entered by: Steven Blanchard
Minoritenkloster Minorite monastery
missionsdiakonische Arbeit mission-based welfare work
Entered by: Robert Kleemaier
Oblatenrektor Rector of the oblates
Orientierungszusammenhang frame of reference
Palmweihe/Palmzweige segnen blessing of willow branches
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Pasquill pasquil or lampoon
Patenschein Godparent Eligibility Certificate
Paulinen the writings of St. Paul
Pfarramtsbereich church region
Pfarre/Gemeinde parish/municipality
Pfarrvikarie parish mission church
Pontifikalien Pontificalia, pontificals
Predigtamtskandidat prospective minister
Professjubiläum anniversary of profession (of vows)
Protosimvoulos des Kalifen the chief adviser of the caliph
Rabbinatsassessor Assistant Rabbi and Rabbinic Judge
Regular Regular clergy/regulars
respektive or (rather)
Entered by: Klaus Herrmann
Rodungskloster monastic grange
Rorate Rorate
Saalraum hall
Sündengewühl maelstrom of sin
Schmuckaltar decorative/ornamental altar
Seelsorgebereich deanery
Sehr geehrter Herr Patriarcharvikar Your Beatitude
Seinigen his Chosen People
sentence If you, heretic (as some may describe you here) believe you have to renounce
sentence You must also renounce all the attributes of God
sentence Didn't even Mohammed/Muhammed have to perform miracles in the end?
sentence Orthodox Islam found expression of the decendents of Adamin through/in
sich nach innen versenken to sink inwards
sich zu etwas auf jemanden einstellen reconcile yourself with someone
sind hier in christlichem Gewande dargelegt ... are described here from a Christian point of view.
so dass es unter Umständen in Abwägungen eingestellt werden darf. so that possibly it (decisions about human life) may be carefully considered
Spätberufenenseminar seminary late vocations program
sprachfähig articulate
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