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Jerman menyang Inggris Music Translation Glossary

Jerman term Inggris translation
Quellenwert value as source material
Raumakustiker acoustical consultants
Referenzaufführung definitive performance
Registerfundus range of organ stops
Rezeptionsgeschichte reception history
Rhythmuswand aus Stahl wall of metal / wall of metal riffs / wall of metal rhythms
Satzüberschrift chorale titles (here)
Säulenheilige legends (of the vibes)
sch machen to say/go shush
Schellen chirp
Schicksalssinfonie (Beethovens Fünfte) 5th Symphony (sometimes known as the \"Victory Symphony\"
Entered by: Klaus Urban
Schlageraffen corny crooners
Schnuppern Sie Kultur! Get a taste of culture
sechse treffen, sieben äffen six shall obey, the seventh betray
Seraglio - Saray The Abduction from the Seraglio
Seufzermotivik sighing motifs
Sextparallelen parallel sixths
sich die Seele aus dem Leib spielen play their hearts out
sich ergänzende Gestaltungskraft synergistic creative force
sich zwischen allen Stühlen bewegen to move elegantly between different genres
Sing- und Musikschule school of vocal and instrumental music
Single Auskopplung single release
Singleitung vocal conducting
Entered by: Kathi Stock
Sound abzunehmen amplify
Entered by: Yuu Andou
Spannungs- und Linienwillen intensity and line
spielerisch zwischen Nachdenker und Partytier, zwischen Anspruch und Leichtigkeit changieren effortlessly jump between philosopher and party animal, between challenging and accessible
Entered by: Steffen Walter
spielfertig performance-ready
spielfreie Zeit off-season times; off season periods; off-season
Spielfreude enthusiasm
Spielhilfen playing aids
spielt unter der Leitung von performs under the baton of
spitze Lippen pursed lips
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Sprachvertonung musical expression of words
Stagione System stagione system
Entered by: Hazel Underwood
starke Raptechnik commanding rap skills
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Stöße beats
stellvertretender Generalmusikdirektor acting music director
Stereo-Kompressoren in Subgruppen Stereo compressors in the brass and vocals sub-groups
Sternmarsch star march
Stichvorlage engraved copy / engraver's copy / engraver's model / printer's score
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