The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Jerman menyang Inggris Marketing Translation Glossary

Jerman term Inggris translation
Balkonkinder couch potatoes (in this context)
Banderole banderole/sleeve
Bargeldbezug access to cash / cash access / cash withdrawals
Bündelung aller Fäden auf einem Punkt bring all the threads together
bünzlig conservative, outmoded, old-fashioned, fuddy-duddy ...
Entered by: David Wallace
bürgernahe Öffentlichkeitsarbeit public involvement
bedarfsgerecht dabei vorgehen take a needs-based approach
Entered by: Rama Bhave
Befragungsausschläge survey variations or deviations
begehbare Werbung experiential marketing (venues) / brandlands / advertising to browse through on foot
begeistern sell on the idea of
Behoerdenberatung consultation with authorities
bei kurzen Wegen close and convenient locations
Beilagenwerbungen insert ads
Benamung labelling
Beratung die verbindet Consulting that connects
Beratungsinsel service and information point
berechenbar dependable
Bereinigungspotenzial shakeout potential
Berichterstattung GF Management report
berufslos not in paid/gainful employment
Entered by: Mary Worby
Beschaffungsmarktforschung purchasing market research
Beschickung equipping
bestücken to outfit/ to fit/ to equip/ to fill
besteht bis heute is up-to-date/ has been kept current/is still current
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Bestellvorbereitung vs. Bestellauslösung preparation of orders/placing of orders
besucheraffin customized to the visitors
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
beteiligen involve
Betreuung der Fachpresse (trade) press relations
betriebswirtschaftliche Kennzahlen business ratios
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Beworben promoted
Bilderrange photo gallery
Bilderwert visual association
Bildinformation pictorial information
Bindung loyalty
blüht sehr üppig is positively laden with blooms
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Blickverlauf eye flow, gaze motion, eye movement
Blitzübung in one fell swoop
Bodenschätze natural treasures
Bogenplakat billboard poster
bpn - befragte Personen respondents/interviewees
Entered by: Steffen Walter
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