The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Jerman menyang Inggris Marketing Translation Glossary

Jerman term Inggris translation
Das Herzstück the heart and soul
fordern Sie uns! put us to the challenge!
Signalisation vorhanden path is signposted
"breitenwirksam geschaltet" (See sentence) placed for high impact
"würde"-voll reden speaking suggestively
(Die Airline) trägt Ihre Werbung in die Welt hinaus! (The airline) gives your advertising worldwide exposure.
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
(Verkaufs-)Beratung customer advice/service
...geprägt wie sonst kaum ein anderes Modell eine andere Marke ...has shaped its reputation as hardly any other model has shaped another brand
..doch gerne möchte ich mich heute der Schönheit des Lebens widmen dedicate (my) time to the beauty of life.
100-prozentige Tochtergesellschaft wholly owned subsidiary
9-er Skala on a scale from one to nine
96% bezogen auf... our market coverage includes 96% of ....organisations
ab CHF 49.- save at least CHF 49
ab Vierzig forty-something
aber eigens für die Belegschaft und deren kleine Verspannungen minor physical tensions
Abgabekarte product info card
Abholen meet their needs / help them / assist them
Abordnung/Entsendung secondment/posting
abos subscriptions
Entered by: Robert Kleemaier
Abruf call-up
abschleusen to dispose of old/excess stock
Entered by: Allan Wier
Abschlussquote rate of closed deals
Absenderkompetenz guarantee of quality
Abwerbung soliciting / enticement (of customers)
Abwicklungsprozesse order processing
Achter-Raster eight-by-eight grid
AD-Verzeichnis Field sales directory
Adaption an den Marketingplan adaptation to the marketing plan
Adressbeschaffung address acquisition
Adressen von Ausfischenden addresses of anglers
Adressmiete address list rental
agieren im Dienste act on behalf of/for the benefit of
Aktionswand promotional screen / campaign screen
Akzente setzen sets its sights on the future
Akzeptanzstellen businesses, outlets, places
Entered by: Klaus Urban
Alleinstellung unique position
Alleinstellungsmerkmal voll ausspielen exploited its unique features to the full/took full advantage of its unique features
alles andere als selbstverständlich cannot be taken for granted
Alles in einer Hand vs. alles aus einer Hand All under one roof vs. from a single source
allgemeine Betreuungskosten (general) customer care/customer support costs
Entered by: Olaf Reibedanz
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