The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Jerman menyang Inggris Automation & Robotics Translation Glossary

Jerman term Inggris translation
skl. self-adhesive (abbreviation)
Sortierauspacker robotic sorting unpacker
stückzahlgenau in exact quantities
Std. standard
Stellenplan, Stellenblatt loop diagram, data sheet
Stellkreis actuator loop/circuit
stetig veränderbare Stellgröße continuously variable output
steuerungsidentische CNC-Trainingsplätze CNC training workstations with identical control systems
Steuerungsintelligenz distributed/decentralized intelligent control system // decentralized control intelligence
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Steuerungspartner suppliers of control products/systems/solutions to
Stromfreiheit messen verify/determine the de-energized state
Tablar tray
Tafelschütz vertical gate
Takt unit
Entered by: Heike Holthaus
Takt-Drehteller (indexing) dial table
taktende Leistung cyclic output
Tasten button
Taststössel stylus
Türaufnahme door system (design) // gate system (design)
Entered by: Mary Burdman
toter Raum - Toträume dead space (s)
Tresterbehälter container for coffee grounds
Tuckerzelle Tucker cell
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Hudson
Umlaufliste polling list (or scheme)
Entered by: jccantrell
Unterbandmehler (lower) flour duster
unterlagerter Regelkreis secondary control circuit
Ventil Schuss valve shot
Verfahrensgrößen process variables
verzögert zeitlinearer Anstieg delayed linear increase
WE receipts of goods / shipments of incoming goods
Wechselaufsatz interchangeable fixture/fitting
Entered by: Jonathan Whiteley
Wellbereichen / Wellrohre corrugated sections / corrugated pipes
Wellenanheber/Wellenanhebevorrichtung shaft (?) lifter/lifting device
Werkzeug- und Kopfverwaltungen tools and header management
werkzeugführend tool guiding
Zahnradaufnahme revolving magazine for gears
Ziehelement Drawn material/drawing material
Zug/Druck; Umschaltung zwischen Zug/Druck tension/compression; reversal of piston travel (direction)
zum Einsatz kommen comes into play OR takes the field
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