The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Jerman menyang Inggris Advertising / Public Relations Translation Glossary

Jerman term Inggris translation
Bühne / Gestaltungsbühne / Banderole (rare) signature band / signature bar / footer
Begegnungsplattform forum
Begeisterung satisfaction / pure excitement
Begib dich auf die Suche nach Spuren in den Bergen Follow / heed the call of the mountains
Begleitkommunikation accompanying communication
Beikleber tip-in (glued insert in a publication)
Beilegerschaltung insert
Belegsexemplar specimen copy
Belegungseinheit booking unit
Bereichslösungen department(al) solutions
Bestpunkt optimum machine performance
Betaversion beta version
Bewerbung bzw. Einreichung (für Filmfestival) submission
beziehungsunfähig The Disconnected/Disjoined/Noncommitted Generation
Biß, mit - (which, that) packs a punch
bierigiges Golfvergnügen beer and bierdies!
Bild von Deutschland Germany's image abroad
Bilder auf ... photos of (a premises taken either inside or from the outside facing the premises)
bildstark powerful visual impact
Entered by: Patricia Will
Bildungssponsoring educational sponsorship/(sponsoring education)
Billings billings
Binden tie-ins / links
bis in den letzten Winkel in all corners of / in the farthest corners of / in the farthest reaches of
Blütezeit period of prosperity, golden age
bodenständig-partnerschaftlich down-to-earth cooperative approach
Entered by: Rolf Keiser
Bogenteilung folding
Boulevardpresse tabloids
Brandbalken brand bar
Briefschaft (corporate) stationery
Brotkrumenstreuen Bread crumb strewing
Buchungsfreigabe booking approval
Bypacks extras/percs
Chemie ist, wenn es stinkt und knallt! If it stinks or explodes, it's chemistry
CI / CD Vorgaben CI / CD guidlines or specifications (CI=Corporate Identity, CD=Corporate Design
CI-Auftritt presentation of corporate image or identity
Entered by: Mary Worby
CI-Schrift, CI-Farbe corporate identity font, color
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
city light poster backlit billboard
Entered by: Helen Shiner
CityLightPoster city light poster
Corporate Publishing corporate publishing
da geht nichts drunter nothing less than the best
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