The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Walanda menyang Inggris Government / Politics Translation Glossary

Walanda term Inggris translation
normjaartaak teachers' annual working hours
offertescore bid / quote hit rate
ontbinding disbandment
ontleningsdocument source document
overheidsonderneming public enterprise
overregulering overregulation
planmatigheid van de organisatie the organisation's systematic and effective planning
planologisch (beschermd) (protected) on a planological basis, planological protection
reflectienota reflection note
regeerakkoord government coalition agreement
regie/regiecommissies management/management committees
rekenschema chart of accounts
salamitactiek piecemeal (salami tactics)
Schriftelijk Overleg written consulation
Servicepunt Duurzame Energie Expertise Centre for Sustainable Energy/Sustainable Energy Expertise Centre
signaalgroep Signal management group
slagvaardig action-oriented
snippergroen fragmented (municipal) plots
Entered by: Katja van Hellemond
Stafdienst Budget en Beheerscontrole Staff service Budget and Management Control (FPS B&MC)
stapeling van toezicht double / multiple regulation
statutair registered by statute
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
Subsidiewijzer Subsidy guide
teruggeleiding Return
terugtredende regering A government which is hands-off, distancing, devolving..
Trekkerschap voortrekker / voortrekkerschap / voortrekkersrol / trekkersrol / trekkerschap = pioneer / pioneering
typebestek standard specifications
uitvoeringsprogramma implementation programme
verantwoorden accountability
verantwoordingsdocument justification document
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
Verbetertraject improvement process
verschillende erediensten in rechte gelijk te stellen. place the various forms of divine worship on the same footing as the true religion
Verzuimadministratie en –begeleiding absenteeism administration and counselling
voorhangbepaling provision on preliminary scrutiny
Entered by: Michael Beijer
voorhangbrief preliminary parliamentary scrutiny information/letter (regarding draft order in council)
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
voorhoede leading-edge position
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
wordt het dossier voor gunning in het circuit gestoken the file will be submitted to commence the process for tendering
ZBO (Zelfstandige BestuursOrganen) non-departmental public body / Executive Agencies)
zich hard maken voor (to) advocate
Entered by: Ron Willems
zijn beurs gaan trekken will support us (financially)
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