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Search results: (372 matches)
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot @ David Sorry for the late answer due to various technical
problems.... Here is the picture you asked for
at the time: (hope this will work, quite
tricky no handle images now) I don'
Christophe Delaunay Jun 8, 2021
French Arnaque faux clients Comme beaucoup de collègues... je connais cette arnaque, mais je n'ai jamais
compris pourquoi les gens s'empressent de
rembourser. Pour ma part, il ne me passerait pas
par la tête de rembourser un centime d'euro sans
Christophe Delaunay Nov 23, 2020
Being independent A friend that thinks being a translator is easy... Gosh Samuel, you're a good soul!! [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Here are some books
I recommend: [b]How to be a translator:[/b] *
Corinne McKay - How to Succeed as a Freelance
Translator * Douglas Robinson - Becoming
Christophe Delaunay Nov 15, 2020
Spanish Empezar a traducir con treinta y nueve años sin experiencia para agencias ofreciendo tarifas bajas a ver qué opinan tus futur@s colegas
hispanohablantes nativos de esta estrategia... :-o
Christophe Delaunay Nov 11, 2020
MemoQ support TM in MemoQ not appearing to be attached Jesucristo es mi Señor Hi Molly, Maybe because she saw your motto on
your Proz profile and thought you would help her
with her problem... You can also send her to
[email protected] and ask for Viktor. H
Christophe Delaunay Nov 1, 2020
MemoQ support MemoQ with two screens Didn't know this one Thanks Samuel! And it works on Windows 8.1 as
well :-)
Christophe Delaunay Oct 3, 2020
MemoQ support MemoQ with two screens I work with memoQ and two screens. When memoQ
starts, I move it to the bigger screen. However,
any subsequent screen opened by memoQ appears on
the -smaller- laptop screen. I conta
Christophe Delaunay Oct 2, 2020
Money matters Grid for Freelance Translation No grid As far as I am concerned, I don't accept any grid.
I already bought a tool to make my work easier and
more "consistent". Would you pay a plumber less
because he's got such and such tools t
Christophe Delaunay Sep 29, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana :-) que pena q no vivo por el país vasco, creo q nos
lo pasaríamos bien yendo a tomar cañas together
:-) (no tengo pareja y no tengo perro.. pero me
encantaría tener lo segundo)
Christophe Delaunay Sep 16, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana @Robert Rietvelt ¿Sabes qué Robert? Hay días que te importa un
bledo este tipo de mails... y luego hay días que
te levantas y quieres dejar claras ciertas cosas a
cierta gente. Aquel día fue un día a
Christophe Delaunay Sep 16, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana @Mervyn Conozco esta técnica. Es muy buena. Pero la
verdad es que ni se me pasó por la cabeza.
Solamente quería ponerle los puntos en las íes a
este señor y me importaba un comino que me
Christophe Delaunay Sep 15, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana Sé que es difícil, porque nos puede parecer que no contestando es lo mismo que decir que.... Exactamente. Es el quid de la cuestión aquí
y en muchos otros temas muy actuales de hecho.
Christophe Delaunay Sep 14, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana ya salimos del tema central del post original así q te contestaré en privado Christophe Delaunay Sep 14, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana Gracias por vuestras respuestas Sin embargo, si bien hubiera - quizá - hecho
mejor en no contestarle, también hay que saber
levantar la cabeza a veces y decir las cosas como
son. No somos borregos (quiero creer que la<
Christophe Delaunay Sep 14, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana expressisverbis Tienes toda la razón... no debí haberle
contestado a este personaje. El tono de burla
irrespetuoso con él que me ha contestado dice
mucho de la criatura. Pero a veces me molesta
Christophe Delaunay Sep 14, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana por cierto... me encanta el " Hello thereChristophe," ¡me
Christophe Delaunay Sep 14, 2020
Spanish Pequeño intercambio con un señorito que me contactó esta mañana El intercambio es en inglés pero la agencia es
española... así que puede servir para los
colegas españoles (compartiré el nombre de la
agencia a su disposición con sumo
Christophe Delaunay Sep 14, 2020
MemoQ support Export failed: Access to the path 'xxxx' is denied. You can also try this TakeOwnershipPro or similar.
Christophe Delaunay Sep 11, 2020
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot Thank you Hao Wang I'm trying to guess the ideograms based on your
answer... but I guess it is like our capital
letters and written ones... there are big
differences sometimes. Thank you for your help
Christophe Delaunay Sep 3, 2020
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot Hoping I am not trying your patience nor time.... I just found another small chinese ware in a
little box. Can you tell me what it says on the
bottom and on the side? :-) Many thanks in
Christophe Delaunay Sep 3, 2020
Business issues Fiscal residency certification? That is actually the key to a heachache-free business [quote]Philippe Etienne wrote: the alternative
to avoid bizarre documentation requests is to turn
down any country having Mediterranean beaches.
[/quote] You've just sum it up soo
Christophe Delaunay Sep 2, 2020
Money matters Getting paid from China all of a sudden Have a look there or even N26 for that
matter. But I think Qonto is better (according to
the reviews they get). They brag to have the
lowest fees.
Christophe Delaunay Aug 31, 2020
Scams SCAMMERS MO Yep... so.. just out of curiosity... what's new about it? Christophe Delaunay Aug 31, 2020
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot Many thanx again guys Thank you ysun for helping me to understand the
story around this ware. Thank you too David
Shen for adding your knowledge to it all. As you
may have seen, I know nothing about this po
Christophe Delaunay Aug 30, 2020
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot Last question I beg you to pardon my ignorance beforehand but
are those signs chinese or vietnamese? And if
chinese, how come in Vietnam?
Christophe Delaunay Aug 29, 2020
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot Here is the teapot... :-) Christophe Delaunay Aug 29, 2020
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot Fantastic! I am sooo greatful to both of you.. thank you for
your swiftness and research... no doubt that will
greatly help me. Now I wonder how my mum (or my
dad?) happened to buy that... unfortunat
Christophe Delaunay Aug 29, 2020
Chinese Inscription under a chinese teapot Hello all, I have this teapot that belonged to
my mother and there is four signs under it.
Could anybody tell me what it is about? I
can OCR it but I cannot transfer it in Word c
Christophe Delaunay Aug 29, 2020
Money matters Control of rates should always! reside in the hands of translators, not LSPs. $2.00 USD to $5.00 USD per hour I recently contacted Proz about a job offering the
rate stated in the title. They answered me just
what you write, Bernhard: "We believe that each
member should be entitled to set his o
Christophe Delaunay Aug 28, 2020
Business issues Things to do while waiting for trados to work ;) A yoga session? ;-) Christophe Delaunay Aug 20, 2020
MemoQ support Outstanding response from MemoQ support Thank you for... this nice positive post. You're right, Philippe..
a bit of good news is more than welcome these
Christophe Delaunay Aug 5, 2020
Spanish Traducción de novela sin experiencia ni carrrera Francés de Francia y francés canadiense. Me sucede lo mismo que a expressisverbis. Yo veo
ofertas de trabajo para francés canadiense. Pero
hablo y escribo el francés de Francia. No sé si
el francés de Canada es tan diferente
Christophe Delaunay Aug 4, 2020
Money matters How much bad debt do you have? 0€ Somebody tell me... am I the only one? :-O Christophe Delaunay Aug 3, 2020
Professional development Do You Use Radio Media To Improve Language/Translation Skills? French radios Interesting topic.... and yes, I obviously listen
to the BBC, NPR, RAI (TV and radio), Radio 3 and
many others. As far as French radios are
concerned, RTL is not really la "crème de la
Christophe Delaunay Jul 26, 2020
Money matters An insight on TM pricing Dear Philippe, the answer to your question is included in... your
question ;-)

[Edited at 2020-06-16 11:06
Christophe Delaunay Jun 16, 2020
French La vie des bêtes Voici le lien complet
uis-15-ans-04-06-2020-12561428.php La 2e photo
du reportage est tout simplement sup
Christophe Delaunay Jun 4, 2020
French Déclaration Européenne de Services en travaillant avec un particulier et pas une entreprise Il est en forme, notre Philippe aujourd'hui... ;-) Christophe Delaunay May 26, 2020
Poll Discussion If you weren't a translator / interpreter, what would you like to be? Maybe a magician :-) just for the pleasure to see the kids
mesmerized. Or a stand-up comedian.
Christophe Delaunay May 18, 2020
Lighter side of trans/interp Using GG Translate in DE I've been brushing on my German for the past days.
I am using some Goethe Institut material
(tests). Coming across "Meine Tante wohnt doch
dort – bei ihr könnten wir vielleicht
Christophe Delaunay Apr 9, 2020
Wordfast support Text appearing in Wordfast 3 but invisible in Word Thanks guys! Who knows if we'll ever have a feedback on this
one... ?!
Christophe Delaunay Apr 7, 2020
Spanish Glosario de TERMCAT del coronavirus Gracias expressisverbis :-) ¡Todo un detalle! Christophe Delaunay Mar 31, 2020
Money matters How big of a problem are long payment terms? How about you, Henry? What is your experience? How much does it matter
to you how fast you get paid?
Christophe Delaunay Mar 12, 2020
Business issues deepl automatic renewal without any notice 150% agree with you! "not advising customers before a subscription
deadline, EVEN when an automatic reimbursement is
linked to it, is an unfair practice"... but at
least, they've been smart (and nice) enou
Christophe Delaunay Dec 18, 2019
French Compte pro obligatoire? Aussi à la Banque Postale Bonjour Elena, Je suis à la Banque Postale
également et en microentreprise depuis 6 ans. Ils
ne sont jamais venus m'emm... avec ce genre de
niaiseries. Êtes-vous allée avec la loi dan
Christophe Delaunay Dec 16, 2019
Business issues Translators without Borders and the Platform Economy @Sheila Wilson The same happened to me... until I had the
opportunity to see the work of a fellow Italian
translator doing En > FR translation. And then her
work wasn't even proofread. Pathetic translati
Christophe Delaunay Nov 20, 2019
Business issues Do you begin a translation before it's confirmed? Always useful to draw a parallel Does your plumber start working on your sink
before you give him the green light? ;-)
Christophe Delaunay Oct 21, 2019
Chinese Little favor... completely off-topic @LIZ LI I was not mentioning you LIZ LI. As I said
before, I have zero knowledge of the chinese
language which I would love to embrace at one
point in my life. But I have this feeling that a
Christophe Delaunay Oct 7, 2019
Chinese Little favor... completely off-topic A little respect I know nothing about Chinese, whether simplified
or not. And I am a bit sad having to write these
lines. Is the world is such a bad state that
people take advantage of whatever opportunity
Christophe Delaunay Oct 7, 2019
Chinese Little favor... completely off-topic Many thanx to all of you!! To tell you the truth I hadn't opened it.. it felt
like a paste inside so I didn't want to open it
and not be able to use it quick enough. I just
opened it and it was vaccum packaging. I
Christophe Delaunay Oct 4, 2019
Chinese Little favor... completely off-topic I have this pack of "food" that I bought when in
Taiwan (or Hong-Kong?) I have no idea what it
says on it. Could anyone help me with it
and tell me what it is? Many thanx in ad
Christophe Delaunay Oct 4, 2019

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