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    • 英語
      • メディア/マルチメディア
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          • Term
            • alongside dialogue
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          • Definition(s)
            • Alongside dialogue is a technique for delivering character dialogue, voiceovers or other speech during the course of play. In effect the player plays and the alongsides play as a backing track, ideally helping to paint the picture of the game world and not relying on the player to notice specific details. What Games Are
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Techniques of storysense revolve around portraying a world in motion. Short cut scenes that set tasks, scrolls and other discoverable items, user interface elements, alongside dialogue and incidentals are all key tools. The idea is to keep the player on the move, interested in the world while at the same time fascinated by the play. - Theology Gaming by
            • For the uninitiated, a visual novel is a partially voice acted video game with little or no gameplay beyond clicking dialogue options. Visually, it usually consists of images of characters presented alongside dialogue boxes, and the occasional full screen image. - Gabriel Writing by
            • Every mainstream work of entertainment exists somewhere along this spectrum: comic books are a marriage of the two, using descriptive artwork alongside dialogue and monologue to convey the characters and scenarios depicted on the page. - Eagle Eye Media by
  • Compare this term in: ブルガリア語, ペルシャ語, ポルトガル語

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