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CAT Tool & Software Day

Oct 2, 2013


Wordfast Pro 3.2 demo

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Schedule:This session ended at 15:45

Among the new features in Wordfast Pro 3.2 is an enhanced TM administration module that allows users to update and maintain their translation memories. Wordfast Pro 3.2 also offers users the ability to share terminology remotely via Wordfast Anywhere, the company’s FREE and confidential web-based TM tool.

Wordfast Pro 3.2 New Features Include:
  • Remote glossary sharing via Wordfast Anywhere and Wordfast Server
  • Advanced TM administration
  • Additional QA options including source and target consistency check
  • Improved term highlighting
  • Support for Wordfast Classic files
  • Support for Visio files
  • Sortable TM Lookup results
  • Keyboard shortcut improvements

Speakers:John Di Rico

John Di Rico a commencé à traduire en 2005 et se spécialise dans la traduction financière et marketing du français vers l'anglais. Son entreprise actuelle, ApexTra, est basée à Nice en France.

John a commencé à proposer des formations professionnelles pour traducteurs en 2006. Il forme des traducteurs à l'utilisation des logiciels Wordfast ainsi qu'à la gestion de projet. Il a également enseigné l'anglais en France et au Vietnam et est un formateur certifié par la JCI pour l'enseignement aux adultes. Enfin, depuis 2007, il organise des congrès professionnels de traducteurs en France avec le concours de ProZ.com.

En 2010-2011, John a voyagé autour du monde et a formé plus de 75 traducteurs dans 15 pays, y compris les traducteurs de la Mission des Nations Unies au Timor oriental. Il a également représenté Wordfast LLC à de nombreuses conférences professionnelles, notamment des conférences de l'American Translators' Association, d'IMTT Language and Technology et de GALA.

Jamie Lucero
Jamie Lucero is Native US English speaker with 10 years of experience as a French to English (FR/CA>US/CA) translator and translation tools expert. He is a graduate of the Monterey Institute of International Studies where he earned a master's degree in French to English translation in 2001. Jamie works as a consultant for both companies and individuals, providing training and implementation of customized translation tool systems. He currently works as a part-time technical support representative and implementation specialist for Wordfast.
Kristyna Marrero
Kristyna Marrero has over ten years' experience in the translation and localization industry. As Director of Sales and Marketing for Wordfast, Kristyna is tasked with reaching out to new market segments, expanding relationships with existing customers, and increasing Wordfast's overall brand awareness. Prior to joining Wordfast, Kristyna was a member of the senior management team at a leading language service provider where she oversaw several production groups and managed a staff of over 100 project managers and linguists. Kristyna earned her BA from Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania, USA.

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