Translation glossary: Education

Showing entries 1-17 of 17
Approfondissements disciplinairessubjects studied in depth 
French to English
Collège. lycéeMiddle school, lycée 
French to English
définir les orientationsto set directions 
French to English
Direction Adjointe des étudesOffice of the Vice-Principal (Academic) 
French to English
early developing soundphonèmes acquis dès le plus jeune age 
English to French
Equipe d'AccueilHost research team 
French to English
formations hors champsnon-vocational training 
French to English
installation des lacunesweaknesses taking root / weaknesses becoming established 
French to English
Jeune diplômée (BAC+4)Recent honours graduate 
French to English
N° de Jury: 360Examiners' Panel No. 360 
French to English
Office du baccalauréatOffice du baccalauréat [Examination board] 
French to English
parcours généralcore curriculum 
French to English
plan d'animation(learning and) teaching plan 
French to English
pré-juryPré-jury [preliminary assessment (panel)] 
French to English
restitutiontranscript / reconstruction / report 
French to English
teaching statement(énoncé sur la) philosophie d\'enseignement 
English to French
teaching statementénoncé sur la philosophie d'enseignement 
English to French
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