Translation glossary: Latin

Showing entries 1-21 of 21
ad hocfor this purpose or occasion 
Latin to English
ceteris paribusother things being equal 
Latin to English
cf (conferre)compare 
Latin to English
de minimistrivialities, small amounts 
Latin to English
Decus et tutamenGlory and protection 
Latin to English
ex officioby virtue of the office held 
Latin to English
festina lenteMake haste slowly. 
Latin to English
mutatis mutandiswith the necessary changes 
Latin to English
Nemo me impune lacessitNo one harms me and gets away with it 
Latin to English
non libetIt is not pleasing 
Latin to English
non liquetIt is not clear 
Latin to English
non sine sole irisno rainbow without the sun 
Latin to English
obscurum per obscuriusthe obscure through the more obscure 
Latin to English
Perscriptio in manibus tabellariorum estThe check is in the mail 
Latin to English
pp (per procurationem)on behalf of, by the agency of 
Latin to English
qv (quod vide)see 
Latin to English
seriatimone at a time; in the same order 
Latin to English
sicthus (drawing notice to error) 
Latin to English
sine dieindefinitely 
Latin to English
viz (videlicet)namely 
Latin to English
vs (vide supra)see above 
Latin to English
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