Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 41 results
Project Finance
Latham & Watkins |
The Book of Jargon® – Project Finance is one in a series of practice area and industry-specific glossaries published by Latham & Watkins. The definitions provide an introduction to each term and may raise complex legal issues on which specific legal advice is required. The terms are also subject to change as applicable laws and customary practice ... View more
Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija |
Englesko-hrvatski glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga U svojim nastojanjima da omogući što uspješnije prevođenje propisa Europske unije na hrvatski jezik, što je jedan od uvjeta pristupanja Europskoj uniji, Zavod za prevođenje Ministarstva vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija nastavlja izdavati seriju jezičnih priručn... View more
The Swedish National Agency for School Improvement/The Language Council of Sweden (Språkrådet) |
The dictionaries have been issued by the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement. They are included in the Lexin series. Lexin is primarily produced to meet the need of immigrant education and currently consists of about 30,000 words. Since January 2007, the Language Council of Sweden (Språkrådet) is responsible for the Lexin project. The ... View more
Lexique de viticulture / techniques du vin
CFA / CFPPA de Beaune |
lexique en français avec de nombreuses définitions intéressantes de termes employés dans la culture de la vigne, viticulture, cépage, maladies, vendange, agriculture biologique, techniques du vin, oenologie, ...
This is for the use of beginners who want to learn Yoruba and those who want to speak it as a second language (L2). The set of people that fall into this category are: § Those who marry to Yoruba spouses § Non-Yoruba students § Yoruba children born abroad § Those who have interest in speaking the langua... View more
Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale |
Electropedia (also known as the "IEV Online") is the world's most comprehensive online electrical and electronic terminology database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French organized by subject area, with equivalent terms in various other languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spa... View more
glossaire en français - anglais- allemand (mais aussi : anglais - français - allemand ou : allemand - français - anglais ) relatif aux composants mécaniques et électromécaniques traitant ces domaines: Moteurs, moto-réducteur, variateur Transmission mécanique Guidage, positionnement, roulement Pompe, compresseur Composant hydraulique Comp... View more
The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary
International Electrotechnical Commission |
Electropedia (also known as the "IEV Online") is the world's most comprehensive online electrical and electronic terminology database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French organized by subject area, with equivalent terms in various other languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spa... View more
Svenska OptikSällskapets Ordlista
Svenska OptikSällskapet | http://www.svenskaoptiksallskapet.c...
Svenska OptikSällskapets ordlista behandlar de upptagna termernas betydelse och användning inom optiken och kommenterar inte deras ev. förekomst i dagligt tal eller inom andra teknikområden.
les mots du vin (lexique en français) |
lexique en français définitions des termes typiques utilisés dans le secteur
Iniziamo la pubblicazione di una serie di termini significativi (di materiali, sistemi o tecniche) in uso nel campo delle costruzioni e del restauro. Detti termini sono tratti dai tanti del "Dizionario tecnico dell'Architetto e dell'Ingegnere civile ed agronomo" edito nel 1883 dall'allora Collegio degli Architetti ed Ingegneri di Firenze. Ritenia... View more
Terminologia francese più usata in cucina. Il gergo culinario degli chef di tutto il mondo, anche italiani, è molto debitore alla cultura francese e quindi tende a mantenere tutta una serie di termini e parole che restano in quella lingua, i cosiddetti francesismi.
Finnish-English glossary of FINNISH DISHES
Marianna Paavonkallio |
FINNISH DISHES Suomalaisia ruokalajeja Various regional dishes with dialectal names are omitted, unless they are known or consumed throughout Finland. These pages are maintained only as a part-time hobby. The author is not a trained translator nor a specialist in any types of food or cooking related matters.
English-Finnish Food glossary
Marianna Paavonkallio |
# Beverages # Bread, pâtisserie and sweets # Cooking terms and equipment # Fish, crustaceans and mollusks # Fruit and berries # Meat and game # Milk products, fats and oils # Nuts, grains and seeds # Spices, herbs and condiments # Vegetables, legumes and mushrooms These pages are maintained only as a part-time hobby. The author is not a ... View more
SERIGRAFÍA - SCREEN PRINTING – SERIGRAFIA – SÉRIGRAPHIE – SERIGRAFIA - SIEBDRUCK - SERIGRAFIE (KUNSTZEEFDRUK) El glosario contiene los principales vocablos sobre la impresión serigráfica. Los términos están vertidos a los siguientes idiomas: español, inglés, italiano, francés, portugués, alemán y holandés. Descarga un archivo Excel (Downloadable ... View more
English - Ingush / Ingush - English Lexical Database
University of California, Berkeley / Johanna Nichols |
The Ingush database is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 file maintained on Macintoshes and PCs. The searchable version on this website is a series of ASCII text files generated from the original database. As of October 1999 the database contains approximately 3500 lexical records or about 5000 words. Data is taken from a number of published and unpublished sour... View more
Il glossario aziendale è un insieme dei principali termini che vengono abitualmente utilizzati nella vita dell'azienda. Le parole inserite si riferiscono a tre rami dell'organizzazione: qualità, logistica e produzione. Lo spirito dell'esposizione vorrebbe essere quello di "raccontare" le voci del glossario, in modo di aiutare chi ha una necessit... View more
Invertebrados Marinos incluídos en el diccionario seri
Lenguas de las Américas ( |
Nombres de algunos invertebrados comunes por clase y familia y su equivalente en español, seri e inglés. Contenido parcial del: Mary B. Moser y Stephen A. Marlett (compiladores). (2005) Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac. Diccionario seri-español-inglés. Mexico City y Hermosillo: Plaza y Valdés Editores y Universidad de Sonora. (Artista: Cath... View more
zzz Liyane zzz
zzz Liyane zzz
Kamus Investasi |
Kamus Bahasa Di halaman berikut ini, anda dapat menemukan arti dari istilah-istilah yang sering digunakan dalam instrumen investasi.
This page consolidates the terminology from many IBM products in one convenient location. In addition to base computer terminology, terms and definitions from several brands and product families are included [see Keywords].
Lors de leurs séjours au Brésil, les français (du moins ceux qui considèrent qu'il n'est pas superflu d'apprendre une langue étrangère) sont frappés par la cocasserie de certaines images linguistiques propres à l'usage du portugais dans ce contexte de syncrétisme culturel. Ceux qui ont voyagé au Québec ou en Afrique francophone ont d'ailleurs pu êt... View more
John Filiss |
PDF file: Italian-English and English-Italian by Paolo Salimbeni, Commissione Nazionale Scuole di Speleologia
Knots, Ropes and Glossary and Bibliography
Quasi tutti i nodi, come si sa, hanno più nomi a secondo sia dei fini a cui sono destinati
e sia delle discipline che li utilizzano.
Qui, i nomi usati per indicare il medesi... View more
Audio Glossary English
John Broskie's Guide to Tube Circuit Analysis & Design |
Over 50 articles on amplifiers, tube-based preamps, crossovers, headphone amplifiers, single-ended amplifiers, push-pull amplifiers, Circlotron circuit design, hybrid amplifiers, cascode circuits, White cathode followers, grounded-cathode amplifiers, tube series regulators and shunt regulators, and hundreds of vacuum tube circuits that use 6SN7s to... View more
Great site about maritime terms: * Dictionnaire Anglais-Français * Dictionnaire Français-Anglais * Lexique des termes marins * Marine ancienne * Charpente traditionnelle * Menuiserie * Météorologie
Différentes pages proposent des définitions, explications etc. concernant l'automobile (carrosserie, culasse, démarrage etc.). Avec les illustrations.
Glossary of theological terms
Blackwell Publishing |
Alphabetical glossary, just in English. What follows is a brief discussion of a series of technical terms that the reader is likely to encounter in the course of reading texts which relate to Christian theology.Reference to terms in the original languages (Latin, Italian, f.i.)
Disaster Preparedness Glossary
McNeil Technologies Inc. - Dunwoody Press |
One in a series of glossaries to aid disaster relief workers in the event of an international emergency. Approximately 7,300 entries. Divided into four sections: Turkish-English, English-Turkish, Turkish-English Subject Index, and English-Turkish Subject Index.
Turkish terminology supplied by the team Disaster Management
Research Center... View more
Termes bancaires et financiers
BCV Group (Switzerland) |
French Glossary of a series of banking and credit terms
Il dizionario Oxford-Paravia Concise online presenta, come la versione in volume, oltre 75.000 voci (più di 45.000 inglesi e circa 31.000 italiane), ampiamente articolate nelle diverse accezioni, ricche di esempi, frasi idiomatiche, compounds e phrasal verbs. È basato, come l'Oxford-Paravia maggiore da cui deriva, su materiale lessicografico e fra... View more
Es un diccionario muy útil y de fuente muy seria (Espasa, Andersen)s
My Poker Dictionary
Serious Poker |
various resources for poker players, including an extensive dictionary, FAQs and tutorials, directions for buying books online, images, articles
Dictionnaire multilingue du cheval
Jean-Claude Boulet |
Dictionnaire multilingue du cheval / Equine Multilingual Dictionary (abridged online edition)
Great information source on movies and TV series. Allows searches for title, actor or director. The TV series lexicon lets you search for original or German titles. The movie lexicon displays German titles along with the original title. Additionally, this site contains a glossary ("Kinolexikon")with most common cinema terms explained and a celebrit... View more
dizionario tecnologia del legno
Xiloglos , Zanuttini ect |
serio e completo
Horseriding - list of products in 5 languages: English, German, Hungarian, French and Russian Comment by Katrin Lueke: It is about horseriding, and as I consider myself to be an expert in this field, I must say that it is not good at all - well, the German terminology isn't, the other language combinations might be fine. For the German term... View more
Prowood, Salon technologique du bois |
Dictionnaires FR>Nl et NL>Fr du bois et de la menuiserie, ainsi que deux glossaires : en français et en néerlandais.