Translation Glossaries from the Web
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IT Glossary
Gartner, Inc. |
Technology Defined IT Glossary is your trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions, from the world's leading IT research and advisory company.
English to Arabic glossary of banking terms
Online glossary of clothing and fabric definitions, in italian, with pictures
Thesaurus & Dictionary - very good for searching synonyms/antonyms LLC |
We provide reliable, free online access to millions of English definitions, synonyms, spelling, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and translations from our Web properties at,, and and through our mobile iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and iPad applications and API data services.'s trusted... View more
Visual Dictionary Online - EN-EN
A dictionary with a new point of view that catches the eye and enriches the mind. 20,000 terms with contextual definitions, developed by terminology experts; 6,000 full-color images of a wide variety of objects from all aspects of life; One essential reference. The Visual Dictionary is designed to help you find the right word at a glance. Fille... View more
EuroTermBank Terminology Search
Tilde, EuroTermBank Consortium |
101 local resources, 4 externally linked databases, 2.3M terms, 625 345 entries, 200 000 definitions, 27 languages The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the... View more
human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is a comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. It contains more than 5 million acronyms and abbreviations.
Glossary of International Economics
Alan V. Deardorff |
A glossary of terms used in International Economics. This glossary attempts to cover all of the terms and concepts from international economics, including both international trade and international finance. The glossary includes definitions, links to definitions, and wherever appropriate links to other sites and documents that may provide additio... View more
Collection of words and their definitions etc. in many languages
Get definitions, synonyms, derivatives, phrases, semantic net, Wikipedia and Merriam-Webster definitions.
Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms
National Human Genome Research Institute |
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help everyone understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. In addition to definitions, specialists in the field of genetics share their descriptions of terms, and many terms include images, animation and links to related terms.
he perfume industry has adopted a language of its own. And when you’re buying fragrances, you need to understand what the salesperson is saying when the perfume’s being described to you. So we’ve taken some of the more commonly-used words and put them into this glossary of perfume terms and definitions, to help you make a wise and informed choice. ... View more
En-Fr-Ar glossary of key evaluation terms, concepts and definitions, grouped by categories
小马词典 - Xiaoma Cidian
Various Sources |
Xiaoma Cidian is a Chinese/English dictionary (simplified characters only) based on CEDICT, with many additions from various sources. * Radicals tables. * Most frequent characters and HSK tables. * Easy navigation from one character to another. * Currently 35975 definitions, increasing every day. Consult the recent additions.... View more
Glossary of Poetic Terms
Robert G. Shubinski |
A unique guide for the study of poetry with an extensive range of definitions, hyper-linked keywords, cross references between related terms, numerous examples, phonetic pronunciation guides, and writers guidelines. Some of the definitions are accompanied by sidelights (informative glimpses beyond the definition) or by quotations about poetry and ... View more
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
CoOL / Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington |
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology by CoOL (Conservation Online). It uses WAIS indexing to provide a 'Word' index. That is, every word in the dictionary, both terms and definitions, are indexed. Contains color plates and drawings by Margaret R. Brown.
A to Z listing of terms associated with glaucoma.
English - Turkish / Turkish - English Dictionary with more than 1.400.000 words, definitions, terms.
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Computers, Multimedia and the Internet clearly and concisely explains essential words and phrases, ranging from the historic to today's jargon.
Either enter a term in the search box, or browse though the A-Z of 1,800 definitions, articles, illustrations and features.
We recommend this dictionary as... View more
Glossary of Acronyms of TCP/IP protocols
A.B.Forouzan, McGraw-Hill Companies copyright |
Glossario di acronimi con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli TCP/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Glossary of acronyms with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The TCP/IP protocols" by B.A... View more
Networking security and encryption
B. Forouzan, The McGrawHill Companies copyright |
Vasto glossario con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli IPC/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Extensive glossary with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The IPC/IP protocols" by B.A. Forouz... View more
The NASA Thesaurus contains the authorized subject terms by which the documents in the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database are indexed and retrieved. The scope of this controlled vocabulary includes not only aerospace engineering, but all supporting areas of engineering and physics, the natural space sciences (astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary... View more
G8 acronyms, glossary and definitions
University of Toronto |
A list of various G8 terms, acronyms and definitions, in English and French.
Auto Glossary |
With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from basic do-it-yourself (DIY) car and engine repair to steering, suspension, brakes, transmissions and differentials, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tune up, drive-ability, and emissions.... View more
Dictionary of neologisms |
"This website is being developed as a record of new and evolving words and phrases in the English language, with special reference to UK English usage. One of its prime aims is to act as a repository for new words and phrases which are not otherwise listed on the Net - or at least not found by Search Engines. Hence the working title: Dictionary of ... View more
Dental Terminology
Medical Training resources |
Dental glossary of definitions, as well as acronyms and abbreviations.
Biology Glossary
EverythingBio |
This glossary contains an extensive collection of definitions in the following fields: anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, immunology, and molecular biology. The alphabetical index is easy to use. Click on a letter to get a complete list of every word starting with that letter. You can use a search box as ... View more
Law Dictionary
LawyerIntl |
The Bouvier Law Dictionary Sixth Edition was added to the Online Legal Dictionary making available thousands of legal definitions and law term explanations to online users. is the publisher of one of the leading online law dictionaries, a free collection of reference works that offers users access to "authoritative... View more
Glossary of Christian terms
SCAA model syllabus |
Alphabetical glossary, just in English. Very basic, with easy definitions, probably incomplete.
Glossaire de toiture |
termes, definitions, conseils en matiere de toiture
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English contains over 40,000 entries. With simple, clear definitions, this online tool provides a wealth of sample sentences and idioms
This glossary will eventually attempt to cover all of the terms and concepts from international economics, including both international trade and international finance, at least at the introductory level. The glossary includes definitions, links to definitions, and wherever appropriate links to other sites and documents that may provide additional... View more
Financial Glossary
OnFinance |
Basic (but quite comprehensive) EN>IT financial glossary; also with definitions of translated words in Italian. Click on the button "Glossario" under the main menu.
Dictionary of International Trade Terms
International Trade Data System (US federal government initiative) |
An English only glossary of principal terms in international trade terms, with good definitions, mainly with US references. Can only be browsed alphabetically.
FAOTERM is a multilingual database in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish created by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) It covers FAO's specialized subjects: agriculture, biology, forestry, fisheries, economics, statistics, nutrition, etc. Names of international organizations, official titles, the structure of FAO, acronyms, statu... View more
English only but big. Also acronyms. "With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from engine repair to steering, suspension, breaks[I guess they mean brakes..], transmissions and differential's, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tun... View more
Real Estate Glossary, Inc. |
English monolingual with definitions, dewabbreviations & cross-references.
Glossary for Kids
Bureau of Public Debt |
English monolibgual with definitions, cross-references, detailed explanations and illustrations. Although the presentation is designed for children, it could likewise be helpful to adults.
Children with diabetes |
This Diabetes Dictionary is derived from the original Diabetes Dictionary of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). Updated definitions, internal hyperlinks, and links to related material available.
Mining glossary
Hacettepe University |
Quite comprehensive petrographical & geological English monolingual with definitions, synonyms and cross-references.
Stock-market trading definitions, sometimes illustrated.