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Italia menyang Inggris Geography Translation Glossary

Italia term Inggris translation
magione templare mansion of the Knights Templar
a statuto normale with normal /ordinary status
agenti meteorici the elements
altopiano formato da zoccolo primario fortemente sfaccettato plateau formed by a faceted continental rise
altopiano ibleo Hyblean Plateau
alvei di piena floodplains/riverbeds
andamento della quota Trend of elevation
anfiteatro morenico morainal amphitheater
ansa (di una gravina) stretch [here]
appendice/propaggine offshoot
asse attrezzato dual carriageway / high-speed link road / urban motorway / ribbon development
bacino territoriale di riferimento relevant catchment area
Baia degli Angeli Bay of Angels
bassa giacitura low lying
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
basso lower plain
But But
caldera caldera
carta dei vincoli map of protected areas
casale hamlet
chiusa sluice
Entered by: Ivana UK
Codice Istat Istat code
conformazione fisica physical formation
contermine neighbouring/adjacent/nearby
convogliatico di acque water conveyer
cornice di neve snow cornice
di magra low-water
diverse faglie che interrompono bruscamente il suo rilievo has been carved out by a number of fault lines cutting through its highlands
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
fiuggino from Fiuggi
fiumiciattolo riverlet
formazioni quaternarie fessurate e livellate fissured and leveled Quaternary formations
fronte d\'esposizione exposed side
Entered by: Sarah Weston
ganna stony ground/scree/rock-strewn landscape
Gardone V.T Gardone Val Trompia
Entered by: Maria Burnett
gli estremi lembi insulari del continente the outermost island reaches of the Continent
Guajane Guiana
ha saputo sfruttarne anche la natura di punto di contatto has made it a crossroads of trade and cultural exchange
hanno costituito a lungo delle oasi umanizzate for a long time...have been like inhabited oasis
il Mugello the Mugello
Entered by: Tom in London
immersione immersion, draft
in asse longitudinal / along the alignment
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
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