The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Walanda menyang Inggris IT (Information Technology) Translation Glossary

Walanda term Inggris translation
"dienstaanbieder" vs "dienstverlener" (context: DigiD/eID authentication) government service provider [dienstaanbieder] vs service intermediary [dienstverlener]
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
(ontwikkel)straat development infrastructure
(tot) een toenadering komt (te komen) tussen X en Y convergence
aan xxxx hand zetten to have things one’s own way/ just the way one wants/ according to his liking
Aanbodpagina Page of listings
aangestuurd worden (in context) be driven / controlled
aanmeldbalk; aanmeldband login bar
Entered by: Michael Beijer
aanslag voor beschikbaar budget eats into available budget [takes up a sizeable part of the available budget]
afstudeervariant degree specialisation; special subject; area of specialisation
als parameter doorgeven pass as a parameter
anders onderbouwt supports an alternative
Entered by: Textpertise
aparte raming van (Bij raming, graag een aparte raming van volgende punten) separate estimate (Please provide separate estimates for the following)
Entered by: Evert DELOOF-SYS
applicatief Depending on context: applicable or application-related
Entered by: Textpertise
automatiseerder IT specialist
automatiseringsmedewerker IT assistant
beheernetwerk control network
Entered by: Michael Beijer
benaderingssystematiek (data access and) retrieval system
berekende omvang / bekende omvang calculated size / known size
bestedingsaandeel budget share
bladerscherm browser / search screen
bronaanduiding source; source identifier; indication of the source; reference to the source; ‘From’ address; sender
Entered by: Michael Beijer
centrale sessie remote session
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
commandogestuurd tools command line tools
computereiland computer cluster
consignatie stand-by
Copyslag copy session
Entered by: Henk Peelen
datalagen data layers
De applicatie moet gegevens die de kwalitatieve houdbaarheidsgrenzen benaderen automatisch tonen The application is required to automatically flag data which are approaching obsolescence
Entered by: Textpertise
Deontologie Ethics
detaillijst detailed list / list of details
diep ontsluiten (bibliotheken) detailed indexing or cataloguing (libraries)
Entered by: Anne Lee
digitale attendering electronic notification
Digitale ketensamenwerking digital supply-chain collaboration
doorgeven pass on
doorplaatsen to copy
doorsnijding intersection
doorvoer en kabelgoot bushing and cable duct
dragerbaan carrier paper or paper carrier
extra tools
fabrieksmatig factory-wise
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