Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 9 '13 rus>eng топики tank tops easy closed no
4 Oct 8 '09 rus>eng зарубежья зарубежье easy closed no
- Apr 23 '09 eng>rus to transfer somebody as a special scholarship student перевести учащегося с выдачей специальной стипендии easy closed no
4 Dec 7 '08 eng>eng Why not? I had a better year Babe had a more successful year than Hoover did easy closed no
- Dec 27 '07 eng>eng Typing the values into the spreadsheet saves little if any time. does NOT save time, maybe just a little bit (at best) easy closed no
4 Jan 3 '07 eng>rus soviet union Советский Союз easy closed no
4 Apr 24 '06 eng>rus track следить за вопросом easy closed no
- Dec 24 '05 eng>eng consequence(here) importance easy closed no
4 Sep 26 '05 eng>eng kicked the major out major=mayor easy closed no
4 Aug 19 '05 eng>eng pleonastic worded in a redundant way easy closed no
4 Feb 21 '05 eng>eng let alone ...let alone drive away the investor already in Indonesia. easy closed no
- Feb 21 '05 eng>eng between ...and between is correct, but it's unclear what is meant. rephrase below easy closed no
- Dec 6 '04 eng>eng which is correct remembering who she was easy closed no
- Nov 22 '04 eng>rus business function деловой прием, м. б. деловой банкет easy closed ok
- Oct 20 '04 eng>rus "For the middle and upper-middle class {Filipino} is declasse," says Bien не катит, не котируется; вышло из моды; имеет низкий статус easy closed no
- Aug 21 '04 eng>rus a surge of previously repressed activities подъем/повышение в подавленных видах (экономической) деятельности easy closed ok
- Aug 21 '04 eng>rus establish effective government образовать/установить/создать успешное/стабильное правительство easy closed ok
- Aug 13 '04 eng>rus citizenry evenly divided показало, что (гражданское) население разделилось пополам easy closed ok
4 Jul 21 '04 eng>eng in as many days yes 4 people in 4 days easy closed ok
- Jun 8 '04 rus>eng srednoe-spetsial'noe obrazovanie something like an Associate's degree (full explanation below) easy closed no
- Jun 5 '04 rus>eng A otnosheniia kakoby? Nu, tak. Seichas ne ochen' I don't have much to do with it anymore easy closed no
- Jun 4 '04 rus>eng zamorachivat'sia They won't go to all that trouble themselves if there's nothing there easy closed no
2 Jun 3 '04 rus>eng Tam ckol'ko ona seichas. Er, how much is it now... (tries to recall the price but can't) easy closed no
3 May 28 '04 eng>eng covering letter - 2 the whole sentense is awkward... needs a rewrite easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered