Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 8 '11 rus>eng сорок семь целых шесть сотых процента forty seven point oh/zero six per cent easy closed no
4 Nov 27 '09 eng>eng as they can corn or wheat CREATE milk with the same efficiency as they can CREATE corn or wheat easy closed no
4 Oct 8 '09 rus>eng не в масштабе not to scale easy closed ok
4 Apr 27 '06 eng>eng ^ to the power of easy closed no
- Mar 31 '05 rus>eng а сколько одно число больше другого? Во сколько одно число больше другого? By how much does one number exceed another? -VS- By what factor does one number exceed another? easy closed ok
4 Oct 24 '04 eng>eng sentence The bear has poor eyesight and hearing (cannot see or hear well). Therefore ... easy closed no
- Aug 16 '04 rus>eng прямая в пространстве a line in three dimensional space easy closed no
- May 21 '04 rus>eng доктор филологических наук, зав. кафедрой филологии D.A. of Language and Literature, Chair of Language and Literature Department easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered